My work reflects the profound inspirations that shaped my artistic journey. Nature, with its boundless beauty and ever-changing landscapes, serves as a constant muse, infusing my creations with organic forms and vibrant colors.

Captivating stories, whether drawn from literature, folklore, or personal narratives, fuel my imagination and ignite a sense of wonder in my art. Through my work, I seek to capture the essence of these tales, weaving them into visual narratives that resonate with viewers on a deep and emotional level.

Complex emotions experienced by people are another source of inspiration, providing me with a rich tapestry of feelings to explore and express through my art. From joy and love to sorrow and longing, I aim to evoke a spectrum of emotions that resonate with human experience.

Finally, memories of my homeland infuse my work with a sense of nostalgia and cultural identity. Through my art, I pay homage to the colors, traditions, and heritage of my roots, allowing me to connect with my past while embracing the present.

In essence, my work is a celebration of life’s wonders, a testament to the beauty of nature, the power of storytelling, the complexity of human emotions, and the enduring spirit of home.

Fine arts have always been a focal point of life, even when I was young. Since pursuing a professional career, I thought art was not viable option in Bogota-Colombia, so I enrolled in college for architecture. Through studying architecture in college, I felt myself come alive in my fine art classes. My professors affirmed my natural gifting and strengthened my confidence and since then I’ve been painting and growing with the practice and assisting to workshops and mentoring from artists like Lucas Bunoni.

I strive to show beauty and vibrant color, Feminine figures are a constant my work, which I claim is equal parts self-portraiture and depictions of the range of emotions that I’ve experienced or memories from my homeland.

On my paintings I look for merging the figurative characters with the abstract background where I feel very confident mixing vibrant colors in a abstract background with a strong texture that contrast with the detail of the portrait.

The artists who inspire me most are often the unsung heroes—the natural artisans from the indigenous communities of Colombia, such as the Wayúu and Arhuacos. These ancestral communities are the very roots of my DNA, and their profound connection to nature and rich cultural heritage resonates deeply with me.

Drawing from centuries-old traditions and wisdom passed down through generations, these indigenous artisans create breathtaking works of art that reflect their intimate relationship with the land, their spirituality, and their vibrant cultural identity.

Their intricate weaving, vibrant textiles, and mesmerizing pottery speak volumes about their deep reverence for nature and their profound understanding of the interconnectedness of all living beings. Each piece they create is infused with the essence of their ancestral wisdom, their resilience, and their unwavering commitment to preserving their cultural heritage.

For me, these indigenous artists are not just creators of beautiful art; they are guardians of a sacred legacy—a legacy that continues to inspire and enrich my own artistic journey. Through their artistry, they remind me of the importance of staying connected to my roots, honoring the wisdom of the past, and celebrating the beauty and diversity of our world.

All the memories of my homeland infuse my work with a sense of nostalgia and cultural identity. Through my art, I pay homage to the colors, traditions, and heritage of my roots, allowing me to connect with my past while embracing the present.

A big part of this exhibit holds pieces that are the inspiration of years living In the City of Cartagena de Indias, Colombia. Here I rooted my soul and now I have great memories in my heart. The palenqueras are the center of this memories because they are part of the heritage and traditions and a symbols for this wonderful city.

See more or contact the artist at

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With a strong foundation in the arts, I am an entrepreneur, restorator, curator, consultant, connector, mother, and native Floridian. I believes in taking risks, “daring greatly”, and community over competition.

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